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Fatma U Afifi-Yazar

Fatma U Afifi-Yazar

The University of Jordan, Jordan

Title: From folkloric medicine to drug discovery


Biography: Fatma U Afifi-Yazar


Throughout the ages, humans have relied on nature-derived products for their basic needs; including medicines. A look back in the history of human civilizations reveals that in particular terrestrial plants have been used in form of folkloric medicines since ancient times. In spite of the development of several approaches and advanced techniques for drug discovery, natural products resisted and remained as a diverse and unique source for innumerable bioactive compounds in the treatment of various human diseases (chronic, infectious, new emerging Diseases) through the 20th and first decade of the 21st century. This presentation aims to shed light on the importance of herbal drugs, ethnopharmacology and traditional knowledge in transition from the folkloric medicine to the evidence based traditional medicine and drug discovery. Some examples will be given from Jordan, a small country with scarce vegetation, in search of plant-based new, safe and affordable drugs in management of diabetes and in treatment of breast cancer, conditions reaching alarming proportions both in Jordan and globally.

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