Frank Yurasek
Associate professor
Acupuncture Cook County Health & Hospital Systems
Frank Yurasek, acupuncture and oriental medicine clinician, studied pre-med and literature at the University of Notre Dame. He received a teaching fellowship at Notre Dame for his master's degree in literature, teaching Rhetoric and Composition, American Drama, and Honors English. From Notre Dame, he pursued a career in Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations, specializing in High Technology Accounts. He was the first non-Japanese agency to handle the NEC Broadcast and Consumer Electronics accounts, and later was director of marketing for Satellite Broadcast Network, and director of corporate communications for Advanced Systems Inc. In 1984, his wife experienced a remarkable recovery from Trigeminal Neuralgia thanks to acupuncture. Dr. Yurasek began his study and internship with Dr. Yin Lun Han, a Chinese doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine from Shen Yang, China, with over 40 years experience. While studying with Shen Yang, Dr. Yurasek spent some of his time training the "barefoot doctors" there. Later, Dr. Yurasek received his masters of science in Oriental Medicine from the Midwest College of Oriental Medicine, where he taught for 16 years and was appointed as Professor of Tui Na in 1992.
Research Interest
Acupuncture and oriental medicine clinician