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Abdul Aziz

Abdul Aziz

University of Dhaka, Bangladesh


Abdul Aziz has completed his PhD from University of Durham in 1985. He is a professor of Botany, published over 100 research papers and served as a Chief Editor, Bangladesh J. Botany. He has developed large-scale Azolla pinnata (used as poultry and fish feed) production system in ponds round the year; bio-indicator of arsenic pollution and measuring arsenic in groundwater using Azolla filiculoides; discovered new phenomena of cyanobacterial morphogenesis like differentiation of a hormogonium or a hair depending on availability of PO4-P in the environment from a single cell; sorted out taxonomic confusions on stigonematalean members and Lyngbya notarisii.


Abstract : “Scytonemin” pigment from Lyngbya notarisii (Menegh.) Wille (Cyanobacteria) may protect human skin from UV radiation.