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Meherzia Mokni

Meherzia Mokni

University of Tunis El Mana, Tunisia


Meherzia Mokni obtained her Bachelors from High School Echabbi Tunis in 1995 and DEUS Natural Sciences, Faculty of Sciences Tunis in 1997. She received Master of Natural Sciences, from Faculty of Science Tunis in 1999 and in 2001; she received DEA in Genetics and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis. In 2007, she received PhD in Biological Sciences and the work was performed in the laboratory of Physiology of Nutrition under the direction of Professor Mohamed AMRI. In 2013, she received HDR in Biological Sciences, work performed in El-Manar University, Tunis, Tunisia. Until 2015, she has more than 25 published articles.


Abstract : Grape seed and skin extract protects brain rat against ischemia/reperfusion injury